Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Day One of Something Else

Late lunch. Hungry.

What I've learned the most from working in a non-profit industry is that it is very FASLE to assume that those who work in this field are genuine, "earthy" people who enjoy personal relations, seek out justice in those around them and who will put others ahead of themselves. Instead, I have found myself working surrounded by people who enjoy helping their clients (who, by the way they tend to view more as puzzles and experiements to prove that their theories are successful) but will not "practice what they preach" in their own lives.

The funny thing about all of this is that these power-hungry beasts are rather socially awkward or overly spoiled people who have no idea what they are doing. Our managers in this organization are people who are very successful at working with their population of interest, but have absolutely no managerial skills or knowledge at all. Another humorous element is that one of the main strategies and mottos is to show our clients how to change their behaviors using positive reinforcement strategies....but when it comes to fellow coworkers, this strategy is not to be used. But how absurd is it to travel around the state and country speaking to different groups of parents and professionals telling them that desired behaviors cannot be obtained without positive reinforcement and then at the SAME time never reinforce your employees to help them stay on staff and retain a positive attitude. I have never worked anywhere before this that had so many disgruntled, pissed-off employees. NEVER.

I started to wonder why, and then I overheard this from a manager one day:

"Well, here we have a choice to make. We can choose to treat our clients well or treat our employees well. We have decided to treat our clients well."

Enough said.

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